News from your Student Union

…shared from Hello Hamp…

Student Union

The Student Union would like to thank everyone that has helped make both the Lending Library and Peer mentoring program possible. Both initiatives are designed to help students get the most out of their high school experience though they focus on different areas. The Lending Library focuses on having the basic need and academic resources that students need to perform their best academically, and the Peer Mentor Program on making high school an enjoyable and enriching experience. For more information on either of these programs, look back at last week’s Hello Hamp.

Some students have expressed concerns that they won’t be able to take AP Calculus BC, and while not everyone is concerned about this, we would like to address it. With the new policy allowing 10th and 11th graders to take two dual enrollment classes in the summer, students will be allowed to take math courses, including pre-calc. We also understand that some of you may not be able to take a summer dual enrollment course for various reasons, and wanted to let you know that we are looking for solutions that will address this. Counselors and administration have also reported that a pre-calculus course will be offered in the summer for those interested.

If you would like to share any concerns, suggestions, or ideas regarding our high school community, you are welcome to come to our meetings which are on the first and third Thursdays of the month from 6:30-8:00 PM

Zoom link: