Our next PTO meeting is on Tuesday, Jan. 14 at 7:00 pm in the Guidance Area. We’ll also share a Zoom link via our newsletter and parent square prior to the meeting.


Welcome to the Northampton Parent Teacher Organization site! We are a volunteer organization that works to support and strengthen our high school community by:

We meet in the Northampton High School Counseling area (just past the main entrance) on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm. All are welcome!


NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, Jan. 14th at 7:00pm in the Guidance Area. All are welcome, please join us! There will be snacks provided. This meeting will be in a hybrid format, the zoom link will be sent out via our newsletter the day before the meeting as well as via Parent Square.

Everyone who is a caregiver or staff member (or student!) is warmly welcome (you’re automatically a member of the PTO by being part of this school community). Come learn more about NHS, meet other caregivers, and share your ideas. We’ll send a reminder with a Zoom link the day before. And as always, reach out anytime at nohopto@gmail.com

Mon. Jan. 20: NO SCHOOL-Holiday

Fri. Jan. 24: NO SCHOOL

Mon. Feb 23: 1/2 Day

Mon. Feb 17-Fri. Feb 21: NO SCHOOL-Vacation Week

Thurs. Mar. 13: 1/2 Day

Mon. Mar. 31: 1/2 Day


2/11, 3/11, 4/8

Give a little, it goes a long way!

In the 2023-2024 school year, the PTO funded:

Guest speakers at PTO meetings in the 2023-2024 school year included: