News from your Student Union

…shared from Hello Hamp…

Student Union

We are now at the end of the third quarter, the spring sports season is nearly here, and many students are expected to start coming in-person full time in about a month. With all of this change, the Student Union would like to hear from you! Our Office Hours are a time for students to voice any concerns, suggestions, or ideas to the Union to change things for the better at NHS. Have an idea for the transition to in-person learning? Have a grievance about mental health resources, arts curriculum, or social justice education? Want to check-in and see what your representatives are working on? Come to Office Hours to discuss them (and more)! You can also come even if you don’t have anything specific in mind and just feel like getting involved in NHS policy changes. We welcome anyone to attend, and will likely go into breakout rooms according to grade levels.

If you would like to share any concerns, suggestions, or ideas regarding our high school community, you are welcome to come to our meetings which are on the first and third Thursdays of the month from 6:30-8:00 PM.
Zoom link: