In coordination with Earth Day, the Northampton Kiwanis Club will coordinate a book collection to benefit the libraries at all of the Northampton Public Schools. 

Books will be collected from Northampton residents who request a pick up. Any number of books can be donated. There is a $5 suggested contribution for the collection that will go to Northampton Public Schools.

The event will be held Saturday, April 17.

To have books collected from your home, text David Starr at 413 270 1234. A check to Northampton Kiwanis Club or cash can be left with the books or money can be sent via Venmo to David-Starr-43. 

The book pick ups will be safe and socially distanced. Leave your books in boxes in front of your home. Northampton Kiwanis and NHS Key Club volunteers will collect the books without interacting with those donating, completely contactless!

The books that are collected will be offered to local libraries. Any books not claimed will be taken to Watertown Free Library in Watertown, MA where they will become part of their annual book sale fund raiser.

Northampton Kiwanis is an organization that strengthens community bonds and supports charitable endeavors providing volunteers and financial aid. Northampton Kiwanis is a chapter of International Kiwanis which serves the needs of children around the world. Membership is open to everyone.