Principal’s Q&A about NHS Re-Opening

Thank you to Principal Vaillancourt and all who attended the Tuesday, April 13 Re-Opening Q&A on Zoom.

Lori was able to answer all questions submitted to the PTO about the reopening, so we will not be hosting the second night planned for overflow questions.

Tonight’s event will not be held.

Instead, we plan to share all content from the Q&A, including a document of all questions and answers, as well as a video recording of the Zoom event.

Should you have additional questions after reviewing the Q&A, please do not hesitate to email your question to

The PTO thanks you for understanding that in this time of seemingly endless hours of Zoom meetings during after-hours and family time, we are committed to providing this valuable information and appreciate all who were able to participate. We apologize if this change in plans caused any inconvenience.

The Northampton High School PTO holds a monthly Zoom meeting at 7:00 p.m. on the second Tuesday of the month. Please join our next meeting on Tuesday, May 11 at 7:00 pm!