NHS School Counseling News

Scheduling Updates

Seniors Interested in a Reduced Course Load for 12th Grade

Next year, seniors will not be required to carry a full, 8-credit course load. If this interests you, please read through the sheet attached below carefully for guidelines and points to consider. If you plan on carrying less than 8 credits next year, you must return the form with your signature and your caregiver’s signature stating you understand the possible impact a reduced senior year schedule might have on college admissions. REDUCED COURSE LOAD FORM

This form must be submitted to the School Counseling Department by June 10, 2021.

Schedule Conflicts and Change of Requests

Beginning next week, counselors will begin reaching out to students who have conflicts in their schedules for next year. At this time, the only discussion for request changes are originating from the counselor and to resolve a conflict. On June 10th, information will be shared with all students regarding the process and timeline for request changes for next year. Students will not have finalized schedules until the end of summer and a notice will go out to all families when they can view them on Aspen.

Coast-to-Coast College Tour

Throughout the month of June, Coast-to-Coast College Tours will be holding introductory informational webinars for students and families who wish to familiarize themselves with each of our schools (Admissions directors from Dartmouth College, Northwestern University, Princeton University, University of California – Berkeley, and Vanderbilt University) and learn more about holistic admission, financial aid, admission in the time of COVID, and answer questions submitted by students in advance. Click below for days and times and information on how to sign up. Coast-to-Coast College Tour

Dartmouth College, Northwestern University, Princeton University, University of California – Berkeley, and Vanderbilt University