Attendance Status Report

Caregivers may have received a letter from Associate Principal Kara Sheridan regarding their student’s attendance status.

Graduating seniors, in particular, should contact Ms. Sheridan ASAP to discuss the reasons for unexcused tardies and/or a timeline to make up tardies in the beginning of May. Unresolved tardies/absences can jeopardize the accrual of class credits required for graduation.

Generally, students should strive to arrive at school on time and/or makes up tardies accumulated within a 2-week time frame of when the tardies occur.

Students may make up tardies on Monday-Friday between 8-9 a.m. in room 114 or by appointment with teachers after school.

The codes key to aid in your review of the attendance report:

PP/blank- present
AA- verified absence (not excused)
AE/A-AE – absence excused
UA- unverified, unexcused absent
T- tardy
TE- tardy excused
D- dismissed (unexcused)
DE- dismissed (excused)
CC/CP/WS/IN- college class, internship, work study, etc (excused)
B- school business (excused)