Aspen Portal is the online student records system at Northampton High School. Both students and their caregivers can access a variety of information including:
- class schedules
- list of homework assignments, quizzes, and tests
- grades
- attendance records
- timely announcements
See the Aspen Family Portal – quick reference guide for tips about using Aspen to view your student’s information.
All NHS students have accounts in Aspen Portal. Incoming students should have received their log in information with their class schedules in August. Students retain their accounts throughout their enrollment at NHS. Students can sign up for log in help in the Main Office.
Caregivers have their own accounts and can see information for all of their children who are enrolled at NHS. Those accounts remain in effect as long as the family has at least one student at NHS.
If you are an NHS student’s parent/guardian and have not yet received your user name and password, please contact the Main Office at the high school. Be sure to bring a photo ID. School personnel cannot provide Aspen Portal account information to anyone who does not provide proof of identity.
Parents and guardians, please be patient with your children’s teachers and with school staff as everyone adjusts to the new system and how the task of updating information fits in with their daily and weekly workloads.